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  • Writer's pictureCody Rice

The best CBD for your unique body type

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

The 4 types of CBD, how you benefit from them, what is best for your body type, and VIP access to the pure holistic products I use daily.

Many who have researched CBD know that there are three types of CBD oil, but many are unfamiliar with a new type of oil that boosts the effects in your system. Pretty much it causes it to work faster and longer with less time taken out of your day.

“Many who have tried CBD have reported not feeling anything and wasting their money. What if I told you you could use a CBD that works, risk free?”

Now a days CBD is readily available, especially in areas like Colorado. The problem with these is that they are all seriously diluted and many don't tell the whole truth on their packaging.

CBD has amazing benefits ranging from helping reduce cancer symptoms, increase milk flow in breastfeeding women, help relieve migraines, promote mood stabilization, and so much more! Seriously, google any symptom you can think of + CBD

All products listed below are federally legal.

How to pick the perfect CBD for your unique self

CBD tinctures should be green, the plant and the extract are both green, it only makes sense. There should only be less than 5 ingredients in tinctures and less than 15 in other gummies and CBD products. If the product you are looking to get has MCT oil or coconut oil it is, more likely than not, going to be very diluted and not work near as well as it should. Because of the dilution many report not feeling anything with short or prolonged use of these products. I definitely recommend a product with a hemp base oil and, if anything is added, stevia to keep things natural and healthier.

There are over 115 cannabinoids known to man in the hemp plant! That's crazy right?

The first type of CBD that is very common, especially in convenient stores, is ISOLATE CBD. Isolate CBD, whether in tinctures or other products, goes through the most processing out of all of the types of CBD products. This type of substance goes through many extracting techniques to isolate only one of the cannabinoids, excluding all others including THC. This unnatural extract takes a bit longer to take effect in the body and doesn't have near as many benefits as it could. However, without a doubt you could pass a drug test if needed. I personally do not use this type of CBD, but to each their own.

Second up is the BROAD SPECTRUM CBD. This type of CBD has all naturally occurring cannabinoids! What this means is there is less room for it not working due to the amount of cannabinoids and their range of benefits. Recently, there have been products with extra cannabinoids placed in them to boost the effects and the time they last in someone's system. I use Body Guard gummies. These are blood orange flavored "melt in your mouth" chews that not only have CBD and CBG in them but also contain zinc, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and calcium (plus there is a 60 day money back guarantee). Broad spectrum has absolutely no THC and you would be able to pass a drug test. If you are worried about drug test I strongly recommend this product out of all of them.

Next, the FULL SPECTRUM CBD is packed full of benefits. This type does contain a federally legal limit of 0.3% THC. The likely hood of you not passing a drug test is low but definitely possible. Many companies will put "0% THC" labels on their product containers. They have gotten away with this because technically they aren't lying. There is less than 0% THC in that bottle. The benefits of full spectrum CBD are pretty sweet.

Because of the endocannabinoid system in every mammal our bodies are meant to soak up cannabinoids. In fact black pepper is packed full of cannabinoids!

Due to the THC in these full spectrum products the cannabinoids are pulled through the body faster and actually last nearly twice as long in the system. This results in less use and more money saving opportunities. Everyday I use a watermelon mojito flavored full spectrum tincture. Honestly, 100% worth the money (plus there is a 60 day money back guarantee).

What "proof" should I get?

Now that you have chosen what type of CBD you're going to get, gummy or tincture, you may notice there are even more options than before! For first starting out I recommend a 750 or even a 1000 tincture. 500 is normally too low and would be something you would use for a child or animal. 1500 is normally too high and will overload your system cause it to push it out and cause no differences what so ever.

When taking your tincture, for the first 3 days I recommend taking just one dropper. Whether you take half in the morning and half at night or one full one at once. If in 3 days you do not notice anything try taking 2 full droppers. If you still don't notice anything take half a dropper. If in the really really rare case you still don't feel anything contact the seller and get yourself a higher tincture.

With Arieyl, they do offer a 60 day money back guarantee. So no matter the case you can trade out your product for another or get that money back! No worries! Literally risk free. This company also is third party tested, meaning no bias and no impurities. On the packaging there is a QR code where you can trace your product and see exactly what and how much is in each serving! Cool huh? The products are vegan, cruelty free, pet safe, gluten free, and more!

Who can I share my new finds with?

Anyone! CBD can be taken by any mammal no matter the age or size! Children and pets do have a lower tolerance so 250 to 500 would be perfect. There are charts for the amount of drops to start your family out at that are readily available in google searches, so please use those along your journey.

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